
1. Relax. Release. Let go. Repeat. / 2. You are the source of eternal love. / 3. Surrender to the perfection of the moment that already exists. / 4. You always have a choice. Everything else is an excuse. / 5. Sink beneath the mind. Drop into the heart. rest in awareness itself. / 6. Love knows no opposite. / 7. You are pure, formless energy permeating everything. You are the source of boundless love. / 8. You are not in this universe. That universe is within you. / 9. What you think about you create. What you create inspires others. What you say will affects their lives. What you love rules everything. / 10. Allow yourself to come home and be yourself. Be you. Be love. / 11. Die before you die to truly live. / 12. Seek for the immortal within you. Look for what was never born and therefore cannot die. Only THAT is. From here the veil lifts and you realize it was all just a dream. / 13. Everything roots within the same consciousness, that is rooted in light and love. / 14. You are me. I am you. We are one. / 15. You can't get lost in your path because you are the path. You cannot miss the light because you are the light.   You can never lack love because you are love. You can't find the answer because you are the answer. / 16. Self-inquiry requires focus and devotion. / 17. Silence is your best teacher.